hx4700 WM5 Update Finally avaliable

I’m downloading the update now, it comes in at a massive 332Mb. It’s coming down at a reasonable rate, so we’ll see how it goes once its here. From: hx4700 Windows Mobile 5.0 Upgrade @ Mobility Today.

As a sidenote, I’ve been thinking recently of replacing the hx4700 with a UMPC. I’ve been using a Treo 650 which is a much better PDA than the hx4700. A good UMPC would be light enough to still provide me with the primary function I now use the hx4700 for, which is reading ebooks. Plus it could add some functionality in combination with a large Tablet. The Tablet being a workspace and the UMPC provide a notepad. We’ll see things go once I finally have a tablet and have been using it for a while.

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1 Comment

  1. sotrue Said,

    July 19, 2006 @ 12:48 pm


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