Archive for Vmware

50% Performance Boost for Nehalem’s over Harpertown

From the vmware blog:


A 1vCPU Xeon X5500 series based Exchange Server VM can support 50% more users per core than a 2vCPU VM based on previous generation processors while maintaining the same level of performance in terms of Sendmail latency.  This is accomplished while the VM’s CPU utilization remains below 50%, allowing plenty of capacity for peaks in workload and making an FT VM practical for use with Exchange Server 2007.

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linux-image-virtual with ESX

According to this thread, if you need to use the linux-image-virtual package on ubuntu then it only supports the “bus logic” scsi controller with ESX.

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ESX Console via SSH

Image via Wikipedia

Need to access the ESX console with the Virtual Infrastructure Client in some remote location where your VPN does not work.  Forward ports 443, 902 and 903 with putty.  Port specifics for ESX can be found on page 179 of the ESX Server Config guide.

In my case I additionally need to forward from a boundary machine:
ssh -L 8443:localhost:443 -L 8902:localhost:902 -L 8903:localhost:903 node2

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ESXi links

Here are a couple useful ESXi hints:

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VMware ESXi Hypervisor Now Free

Market is changing constantly – this is a big move on VMwares parts but follows on their previous strategy with GSX/Server and VMware player:
VMware ESXi Hypervisor Now Free – VMware

Check out the download link at the end of the press release.

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Vmware to XenServer migration

Some links on migrating from Vmware to XenServer. Particularily converting vmdk to xva, and dealing with removing Vmware Tools.

The vmmemctl.sys driver is missing from your system or the registry contains the wrong image path. The \??\ is normal in the path.

If you selected the default path for the VMware Tools, your registry imagepath should look like the example below.


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VMware to offer new pricing for SME

I missed this in the morning, but saw it later on Daniel’s post.

In September, possible with a launch at VMworld 2007, VMware will announce a new promotion called Foundation, bundling together three ESX Servers Started Edition and one VirtualCenter (capped to manage those three virtualization hosts) for $3,000.

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VMWare Server on NFS – Optimisations

A discussion and tips on optimising VMWare Server on NFS & RedHat Cluster Suite. Similar methods will be useful for XenEnterprise v4.

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VMware with existing Windows install

Couple useful articles on running windows with an existing install.

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ESX Server Advanced Technical Design Guide

Early drafts avaliable online.

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